The happy family group at Consta’s table eat breakfast with Mat and Adriana teasing Renata for her sudden motivation she claims she is always energetic but she is both excited and so nervous. Renata is all atingle to see Jero later today hoping this will be a good decision. Jero in a split screen reciprocates with hopes that they have a chance.

Tingle is hardly what Honorio feels crawling up the back of his neck when he is arrested in front of his office while the evil Blanca watches with a slimy leer as they stuff Hon in a squad car arrested for fraud at her alter ego Monique’s behest.

Kari clings to her good wife role while discussing with Padre that she isn’t going to divorce. He wants her to know he cares for her and doesn’t want her to suffer more. Just who is detained or incarcerated here.

Alfonsina talks to Doc Marina about getting the proof of the DNA so she doesn’t have to live with this unbearable uncertainty. Marina advises her to go ask Dr. Nesme in person, although they could force him with a court order, it is much better to get him to do it voluntarily. Obviously, Dr. Marina has had little experience with that sector of the medical profession that specializes in selling snake oil.

Hon calls Gonzo from jail warning him he has been arrested, Blanca was on the corner watching it happen and now Adriana, Consta and Renata are in danger.

Gonzo calls Soto to come immediately so they can go to the police station with not one word to anybody.

Iguana-eyed Antonio and cobra-eyed Fina talk strategy in a restaurant. Antonio observes that Gonzo and Regina will probably marry very quickly after the divorce. Fina confirms that they certainly are not going to let this happen. Several times he insists that Regina is not to be hurt in the process. And butter wouldn’t melt in Fina’s mouth. Who me be a danger to Regina to revenge myself? If I can detect a bit of emotion in Antonio’s unblinking eyes, it is a shred of fear that he is in WAY over his head in this alliance forged in hellfire.

Consta gets the message that Hon is in jail. Adriana immediately knows Blanca is behind this. She wants to go to the station too but Consta says she can’t go nor stay alonem and the maid is gone. So Adri suggests the Chema could come to be with her. As he said he would. Consta is reluctant but Adri points out this is the only other option. Consta makes the call.

At the police station Gonzo and Soto discuss the seriousness of Hon’s case. (I don’t quite get what proof from a fictitious person would get someone in the slammer this quicly but my beanie needs new aluminum foil to enhance transmissions.) Soto thinks this will take a lot of work to prove Honorio’s innocence but he adds the next victim to be arrested will be Renata.

Renata comes into the EM office with Matias so happy. They tease and laugh, she is in such a good mood which you better enjoy since it isn’t going to last the whole capitulo. Matias is alarmed to know that neither Gonzo nor Hon are in the office and there is a big meeting expected. He tells the receptionist to alert him as soon as his father arrives.

Gonzo calls Mat to tell him to come to the station and orders him not to tell Renata. They must assume Renata is next come. Augie comes into the already busy police station saying he came as soon as he could. Gonzo thanks him for coming so quickly to help him with this problem.

Chema comes quickly to help Consta with her problem to take care of Adri. Adri knows her father is innocent but is so afraid. Chema is patient and sympathetic even if a bit disappointed at first.

Augie will do anything to get Renata away and he would give his life for her. Gonzo trusts him for this reason asking for his complete discretion.

Renata has the wiggles and cannot concentrate on her work. She starts to call Jero but tells her self to concentrate.

At the Jewelry store Regina and Jero look at two R necklaces. Which one would she prefer he asks. She will prefer this demonstration that she can regain confidence and trust in you. Jero remembers that Rafa had an R necklace in his things. Regina remembers that Roberto gave her and her daughter R’s necklaces and Jero remembers that Gonzo says Gonzo gave R’s to Renata and Roberta too. What a strange a coincidence thinks Regina. Jero smiles more than we have ever seen, He adores Renata. She is the one he wants to spend the rest of his life with.

The secretary comes in with coffee telling Renata it is 2:30, she rushes off after checking with the secretary on how does she looks. (Beautiful as usual but still dressed like a college freshman for some unfathomable reason.)

Back at his apartment Jero comes in with 60 roses and bags of great looking food, Cheese and lettuce and many candles and important looking wine. What a nice set up and then he drapes the R necklaces in various places.

Gonzo drives into the EM garage in a black Jaguar S type (my all time favorite car, mine was silver, hmmm, but I digress). He hysterically urges Renata to get in the car with him without asking questions. She has to disappear because they already have arrested Honorio because of Blanca’s plots and she is in danger of being thrown in jail next.

She balks insisting she has a date that she doesn’t want and can’t fail to show up. He says she isn’t listening this is not negotiable. She has to get to safety and no one can know where she is. Her destiny is being changed at this moment. He demands she give him her cell phone it may be traced.

Jero adjusts his tie, the candles, the food, paces, puts on his jacket, the R’s are in the shape of a heart. He mutters to himself. (This makes me sad to watch.) He says, after this dinner you won’t be able to leave my side. She has to be convinced to come back.

Renata is saying to hyper-Papa, before you change my destiny loan me your cell phone. Yes your destiny is being changed and it can’t be helped. No I can’t, you could be traced and we can’t risk it.

Consta comes in to ask Soto when can she see Hon he thinks she can get in for at least 5 minutes. Mati arrives saying, but where is my father. Soto says, he is off taking care of another problem related to this same matter. Con and Mat console hug. Mat gives the obvious explanation: Blanca is completely crazy (BSC to you texters and tweeters)

Adri is worried about not being able to get through to Renata. Chema reasons that she has had to turn it off in the Station. But it has been so long worries Adri.

Chema says, I know I‘ll make a great dessert and it will make it all better but not with that face. The worried Adri breaks into a smile, He says really he isn’t trying to trivialize the danger her father is in. But the angst you are having won’t do anything to help your recuperation. Then she says, it’s a deal if you will teach me how to make the dessert I don’t know how to cook well. He hefts Adri over his shoulder to carry her to the kitchen. We hope not breaking anything more

Jero paces and calls Renata’s cell. He hopes she hasn’t had second thoughts. Finally Jero calls Renata’s office to learn that she left hours ago and didn’t give any clue of where she was going. Jero drinks more wine and jumps to get the door for any bell in the hall way that goes off. He says tranquilo a whole bunch and counsels himself not to think the worst. (Yes Jero suit club, he is in that navy blue with the baby blue tie, its’s our only consolation at the moment.)

Cata is drinking coffee with Inez and thanks for her asking her to come to eat. Inez tells her she can come live there. She is pleased for the thoughtful invitation but she declines and Inez says but you are like part of the family. She thinks she will be better in that place for senior citizens. You are saying that because of Regina, right? Yes, Cata cries. Inez says, why don’t you try to understand Regina? Cata says, she does understand her but she cannot support what she has chosen to do. She thought she would be a great lady but she (Regina) is choosing differently and she (Cata) cannot compromise her feelings. (This woman doesn’t need a skilled nursing facility but she does need to have her head examined.)

Regina at her dressing table in golden light has a flash back of Roberto presenting the R for his princess, baby Regina on her birthday and then giving Regina one too with his love. They hug and all is happy. Back at the present a wistful Regina says, here’s another coincidence, Gonzolo

Renata and Gonzo drive into an airplane hangar and he explains that she has to be hidden while they get the Blanca problem worked on. Augie comes out of the plane with such a swagger. She can’t figure out whey she should flee when she has done nothing wrong. Augie assures them both, he has everything under control . Renata looks like she is being controlled.

Roberta walks into the hotel to find out Augustin has checked out of the hotel several hours ago and paid his bill. She leaves him an irritated message that she isn’t some Selene that he can treat this way without at least advising her that he was leaving. She finishes with her famous, Stupido.

Gonzo assures Renata of his love and continues to insist that he has to protect her and is sorry this has to be done this way. She will miss him, she says as she climbs the plane stairs like she is walking the plank at sea. She asks that he be in contact with Augie to bring her news of the outcome of the case and of the family and please will he tell Consta she is sorry she isn’t with her and Hon etc. that she is okay. He agrees of course.

Back to the Baja jail, Nesme comes in to the visiting room and greets Alfonsina slimily, I knew you couldn’t live without me. If you come for a conjugal visit we could both enjoy it so much. She pushes his slimy hand off her knee saying, don’t touch me you make me sick. Then why did you come? I want to ask you to take a DNA test. He says, you just want to know if I am the father of the baby. But of course I am. I don’t need to prove anything but if you will come for a conjugal visit I will give you the DNA test. That is the exchange; nothing is for free. She is so slimed and disgusted she leaves saying she never wants to have to see him again. (So much for Marina’s brilliant ideas. We could have predicted that one. )

Matilde asks Kari why don’t you want to (or does she say, why don’t you love him.) She holds to her misery as church sanctioned and Matilde (and I) don’t understand it or agree with it. Lazaro looks on through the door crack. She has been miserable for years but if she goes off to enjoy herself now it will have made her years of miserable marriage a lie She will stay in this any way until death do us part. 

Marina comes up to Ponchito at an outdoor table and asks how is it going, are you happy? He says not really happy. They don’t talk to each other. When one is in the room and then the other comes in someone leaves. Marina tries to tell him that perhaps he knows that when you do something that you don’t want to just for someone else it doesn’t work the way you hoped. Maybe it would be better to let the parents be themselves, apart but more at peace. He hopes with the new baby coming it will all be like the happy family life he misses. Marina’s expression says she realizes she isn’t the best psychologist ever. 

Ezekiel and Lazaro rush in to Carlos in the office to announce that there is a possible plague. The plants are pale over at Augie’s and it could possibly be from over watering but if it is plague on the vines there is a big disaster coming. That is why Ezek came to tell Carlos himself. Carlos wants Alfonsina so they can test all of La Bonita’s vines. 

Jero comes to Consta’s door and greets Chema who recognizes him as Renata’s husband. He calls for Adri. She glides in in her wheelchair and agrees we can’t get in touch with Renata either but probably she is with everybody else at the station. At his confusion she recognizes, Oh you don’t know, Honorio was arrested. 

Augie cajoles Renata who is deep in thought on the plane. They discuss why she had to flee the scene and possible arrest. He says, I know it all looks black. She finally tells know I’m not talking about my father, but about Jero we had a meeting to reconcile and she feels so bad. He jumps on that. She will commit the same error as ever to believe in Jero. More urbane than Nesme, Augie warms to his task. He is sure that Jero has planned her destiny, a future where she has no opinion or options. (Oh really.) 

Consta and Hon grip hands through the jail cell bars. Hon wants her to promise that she and Adri won’t come to the jail to see him. He imagines that Adriana is so disappointed by him. Consta expresses with many tears that it was all a trap and he is innocent. She cries, he kisses, they cling to each other. (Chema is toast.) 

Chem and Adri have fun watching bad women in a movie and talk about the really bad women she knows who are worse, Fina and Roberta. He agrees that he is sure that Fina or Roberta took pictures of him with Consta and sent them to Honorio. They discuss if someone has been plotting to cause all the couple problems including making Chema and Consta seem to be an item. 

Alfonsina gets back and Carlos briefs her on the plague threat. She says it is very hard to identify it early but she will do everything she can. She goes off to check the vineyard. 

Jero show up at he station and Gonzo and Matias jump him. (Well almost.) He must ta;k with Renata, she didn’t show up for their date. Gonzo dourly assures him, she isn’t in the city she has gone off to think, contemplate her options and feelings, etc. and you are not to get in touch with her. 

The scene ends at the Augie palace. Renata walks in looking like a forced march and Augie welcomes her to the hacienda again. She doesn’t look pleased. 

Next episode: The plot sickens to keep Renata and Jero from seeing if they could reconcile. Augie has found allies in Gonzo and Matias. Not so sure are Regina and Jero. The teams are being chosen. Ezekiel grins that Augie will make Renata his woman soon. The divorce express papers arrive at Jero’s door.

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